
Joint PhD: The role of wave-cloud coupling in shaping patterns of clouds

Joint PhD: The role of wave-cloud coupling in shaping patterns of clouds

This project analyzes satellite images and other observational data to study two-way interactions between convection and tropospheric waves. In particular it investigates how these interactions influence patterns of convection and clouds. Numerical experiments in the form of high-resolution simulations are designed to support the results.

If successful, the PhD candidate will be enrolled at both the University of Melbourne and Universität Hamburg, and will work in close cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg. The candidate will be co-supervised by supervisors at both institutions and will spend at least twelve months at the University of Melbourne and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. 

Applicants must have a strong quantitative background in meteorology, mathematics, physics, or a related field. The application process is competitive, with higher than the equivalent of a University of Melbourne 80% in a relevant degree expected. Information on the University of Melbourne entry requirements can be seen here, and Universität Hamburg requirements can be viewed here

The successful applicant will be enrolled in the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne within the School of Earth Sciences. They will also be part of the University of Melbourne node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, the International Max Planck Research School of Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM) and the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), Universität Hamburg.

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes is a major 7-year initiative supported by the Australian Research Council. It is a consortium of five Australian universities with a suite of outstanding national and international Partner Organisations as collaborators. The Centre of Excellence research agenda encompasses interconnected research programs focusing on key climate processes responsible for Heatwaves, Rainfall, Drought, and Climate Variability.

The candidate's scholarship will include a 100% fee remission scholarship, a living allowance for three years with a possible 6-month extension, and funding for travel.
Application Deadline: Monday 21 October. 
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