
Five Years of Declining Annual Consumption of Grid-Supplied Electricity

Five Years of Declining Annual Consumption of Grid-Supplied Electricity

Authors: Mike Sandiford; Tim Forcey; Alan Pears; Dylan McConnell

THE ELECTRICITY JOURNAL, Volume: 28, Issue 7, Pages: 1-22, DOI: 10.1016/j.tej.2015.07.007, Published: AUG 2015

Abstract: For decades, consumption of grid-supplied electricity increased in line with a growing economy. In the five years since 2009, however, annual consumption in eastern Australia declined by 7 percent, even while the Australian economy grew by 13 percent. Declining consumption was not forecast by the planning authority nor by market participants. The authors review reasons for declining consumption, the failure of planning authorities to forecast this structural change, and ongoing consequences. Fuel switching from oil and gas offers one means of partly arresting the rapidly declining use of electricity grid infrastructure.

Available from: The Electricity Journal

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