Beyond Zero Emissions Seminar: Riding the Wave of Change
Are you ready to ride the wave of change?
The world is on the edge of a great technological disruption, driven in part by the need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and in part by the development of new technologies. This disruption will fundamentally alter the ways in which we generate and consume energy, manufacture products and manage the land.
Disruption on this level inevitably creates some political and social resistance, which slows progress. Even amongst advocates of a transition to a zero-carbon economy, there is a danger of being overwhelmed by the prospect of climate disaster. Grief can trigger denial, fight, bargaining and depression, which can inhibit action. However, despite resistance and pessimism, the tide is turning toward climate action. In Australia, great strides have been made in renewable energy, and there are enough positive trends to generate optimism.
In this seminar, Andrew Gunner discusses the waves of change that are underway. He argues that warnings of catastrophic climate change can be balanced with a recognition of what has already been achieved and a clear vision of what a decarbonised economy will look like.
Andrew has been a volunteer at BZE for four years. He worked as an operation researcher in industry for 20 years and as a social worker/counsellor for 18 years.