Carnarvon DER trials update
Horizon Power is nearing the end of three years of technology trials in the town of Carnarvon, 900 km north of Perth in Western Australia. The ARENA funded trials are exploring options for the visibility and control of Solar PV and Battery storage and have involved Murdoch University as a research partner. The presentation will cover the use of IoT networks to control DER through third-party aggregation, Feed-in Management or flexible export management of PV, Q-control of inverters and the use of Virtual Power Plant Technology in microgrid settings.
This webinar is the fourth in a series of eight webinars on consumer-centric energy, being held between October 2020 and February 2021, co-hosted by the Energy Transition Hub and the Climate and Energy College, sponsored by the Victorian Clean Technology Fund.
David Edwards is the Digital Strategy and Innovation Manager in the Technology & Digital Transformation division at Horizon Power in Western Australia. David has pioneered change in fields as diverse as the television and music industry, renewable energy generation, regional service delivery and science mega-projects such as the Square Kilometre Array. Currently, at the forefront of energy sector transformation, David uses a problem focussed style of leadership to identify value add solutions and demonstrate the art of the possible. David contributes to several national working groups on Distributed Energy Resources while leading research and development into future smart energy networks. He displays a rare combination of sharp intellect, boundless curiosity and practical creativity. He has a neat habit of asking probing questions in a non-threatening spirit of solidarity and then following up the answer with another one. David is an international speaker, ardent swimmer, a music lover, published author and father of three.