Changes in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice
Abstract: The polar regions of the Earth have been considered as the ‘canary in the coalmine of climate’. The presentation will document and explore the changes which have occurred in the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice over recent decades. It will also address how those changes may have impacted on extreme weather in the middle latitudes, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere.
Ian Simmond's main research interests include:
- Southern Ocean (Atmospheric changes, oceanic changes, Antarctic Circumpolar Wave)
- Arctic (Sea ice, cyclones, ocean currents, water masses, river inflow) Global warming (Greenhouse gases, climate change, carbon dioxide, methane)
- Road accidents and Weather (Motor vehicle accidents rain, traffic density, weekday_weekend effect)
- Isotopes in weather and climate studies (Physically-based interpretation of isotopes, ice cores, isotopes in precipitation)
- Antarctica (Sea ice, mass balance, ice core interpretation, katabatic flow) Rainfall variability (Australia, Southern annular mode, cyclones)
- Cyclones and tropical cyclones (Baroclinicity, CISK, hybrid systems, climate trends, extreme weather)