‘In a canter’? Demystifying Australia’s Emissions Budget for Paris
Friday, 22 February 2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Australia’s international climate targets create frequent misunderstandings, even among experts. Seemingly straightforward, the reality is that the targets are not as intuitive as they appear, with much of the most important detail hidden from view. This presentation draws back the curtain on our target, unpacking the most common misconceptions along the way. Doing so reveals that, far from meeting our Paris target ‘in a canter’ (as members of Government have recently claimed), on the Government’s own numbers we are expected to miss our Paris goal by a significant margin. Using the same budgeting approach, the presentation will also reveal where progress is being made, and where it is lacking, in Australia's efforts to meet our international climate obligations.
Event Location:
Australian-German Climate and Energy College
Level 1, 187 Grattan Street, University of Melbourne
Tim Baxter is a Fellow of Melbourne Law School and Associate of the Climate and Energy College. His principal research project relates to government liability for climate change harm in Australia, with research interests extending across the climate law and policy domain.