Science & Pretzels - Helmut Aust
Cities and climate change from an international law perspective
Cities are increasingly seen as vital actors in the global climate change regime. States have endorsed the role of cities as relevant stakeholders in various international declarations and outcome documents. Cities themselves have developed institutional ties with both international organisations as well as cities from other states in institutions such as "C40", "ICLEI" or "Eurocities". Most recently, a "UN Global Mayors Compact" was set up at the New York Climate Summit 2014. International law scholarship has so far not fully embraced this development. The climate change regime complex is mostly analysed with heavy emphasis on states and international organisations as the key actors. Yet, recognition of the role of cities in this area is crucial as cities and their leadership need legal certainty with respect to their participation in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. This talk will demonstrate how such recognition can be achieved and how international law can also provide a critical language to accompany the efforts of cities on the global level.